Keweenaw Heritage Center
25880 Red Jacket Rd, Calumet, MI 49913
The Keweenaw Heritage Center at St. Anne’s was designed in 1899 with construction finishing in 1901. It was first operated as a Catholic Church, featuring Jacobsville sandstone and a prominent corner bell tower that rises to a height of 130 feet. With three Gothic-arched entrances, the church could hold up to 800 people. While the church is no longer active and the pews and alter have been removed, the building operates as the Keweenaw Heritage Center with usage as a museum, educational facility, and for receptions and large gatherings.
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keweenaw heritage center at st annes
keweenaw heritage center at st annes
keweenaw heritage center at st annes
keweenaw heritage center at st annes
keweenaw heritage center at st annes
keweenaw heritage center at st annes
St. Anne's Interior
St. Anne's Interior
St. Anne's Interior Seating
St. Anne's Pulpit
St. Anne's Interior Stained Glass
St. Anne's Organ